Sunday, April 22, 2007

Virtual Console

As anyone who knows me in meatspace can tell you, I am a big fan of nearly anything Nintendo. My DS and my Wii take pride of place in my gaming set-up at the moment.

So I thought I would respond to a post made by Rawmeat Cowboy at the always entertaining Go Nintendo blog.

He was asking readers to identify what game available on Nintendo's Virtual Console service they would class as their treasure, which one they regret downloading the most and which game they want added most in the future. Here goes.

My Treasure

Without a doubt the game I have downloaded that I treasure most is Super Mario 64. Unlike a lot of people from my generation, for me gaming started with two games - Super Mario 64 and Mario Kart 64.

What isn't there to love about this game - a revolutionary leap into 3D handled masterfully by Miyamoto, fantastic level design, graphics that at the time were groundbreaking - which still look great today and some of the catchiest video game music in history. Most of all though this game had what Mario games have in spades that many other series have tried to capture over the years and failed - fun!

My other treasures - Mario Kart 64, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Lylat Wars/Star Fox 64.

My Regret

What can I say? I am a big fan of Sim City and the blurb on the Shop Channel made it sound so inviting. Beware though, you are in for shocking graphics (even for the SNES) and an extremely frustrating control system. I should have waited for the DS version.

My Dream

For me the game that I dream of being added to the VC is the one major Legend of Zelda release that I have never played - Majora's Mask. I am not sure why I missed this the first time around on the N64 but you can rest assured that I will be grabbing it the moment that it appears on the Virtual Console.

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