Saturday, April 21, 2007

In the Beginning

Hello everybody, is this thing on…

Welcome to the launch of my new blog, Speculative Dispatches

It will cover, well, nearly anything - speculative fiction, movies, tv, gaming, culture, science and technology. In otherwords a pretty large chunk of life!

Let me begin by introducing myself. I am Matt F - a twentysomething from Australia whose interests vary pretty wildly and whose career spans both science and commerce. It is probably safe to say that most people would classify me as a bit of a geek.

This blog will be a way for me to practice my writing, to develop a few ideas I have been hatching and most of all, to express things in which I have an interest to the world.

So bear with me over the next month or two, as I iron out the format and content of this blog, hopefully we are about to start an interesting journey together.

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