Sunday, May 27, 2007

What I'm...

Celebrating - the joy that is Book Mooch. How else could I get a copy of the Dragonlovers Guide to Pern sent to me all the way from the USA!

Investigating and planning involvement in - BookCrossing

Looking forward to - my new job which starts next week.

Dreading - my exams which start in just over 3 weeks. Aah!

Listening to - Volta by Bjork.

Playing - Animal Crossing, Viva Pinata, Forza Motorsport 2 when the demo has finally finished downloading.

Watching - Heroes, Lost, Torchwood - please Channel 10 treat this slab of genre programming better than you do Battlestar.

Reading - A Song of Ice and Fire - a complete series reread in preparation for A Dance with Dragons, whenever it sees the light of day.

Setting up - an email address for the blog so I can be easily contacted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forgot the part where you were really excited cos you met this guy called "Locky" haha....